libtiepie-hw SDK C

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Controlling instruments via libtiepie-hw can be done using C. The examples can be built using GCC and Clang.


LibTiePie-HW C examples1.1.527.18 kB download

C and C++ headers are included in the libtiepie-hw library downloads.

Building the examples

To build and run the examples, the appropriate libtiepie-hw library for the used platform (Windows or Linux) needs to be installed.


The libtiepie-hw.dll file and the libtiepie-hw.h header file supplied with the library need to be placed in a location where the compiler can find them, e.g. in the folder with the example files.

To build the examples, execute mingw32-make in the folder with the examples.


To build the examples, execute make in the folder with the examples.


List of available example programs: