Input range

The input range of a channel determines how large signals can be measured. The input range is defined as full scale value, the highest voltage that can be measured, both in positive as in negative direction. When the input range is e.g. 8 V, signal values between -8 V and +8 V can be measured. Values outside that range will be clipped.

When clipping detection is enabled in the settings, the software will place indicators in the graph and/or meter display when the signal is clipped due to being larger than the input range.

For oscilloscopes, another way of defining the input range is also used, in V/div. This is the full scale input range divided by the number of grid divisions that are used to display that range. A typical oscilloscope display has 8 division vertically, covering -full scale to +full scale. A full scale input range of e.g. 8 V equals 2 V/div.

Changing the input range of a channel in the Multi Channel oscilloscope software can be done in various different ways:

  • Clicking the decrease/increase input range buttons Decrease input range and Increase input range on the channel toolbar
  • Opening the channel settings dialog using the Settings dialog Channel settings dialog button and selecting the required input range in the dialog.
  • Clicking the input range indicator Input range indicator on the channel toolbar and selecting the required input range from the popup menu
  • Using hotkeys F5 and F6 in combination with the appropriate channel selection hotkey(s)
  • Using the input range selector Input range selector on the channel toolbar
  • Using the input range up/down Input range Up/Down on the channel toolbar
  • Clicking the V/div input range indicator V/div input range indicator on the channel toolbar and selecting the required input range from the popup menu
  • Right-clicking the channel in the Object Tree and selecting the appropriate input range in the popup menu