The unbeatable USB oscilloscope
Base price: € 1,104.00
The 500 MSa/s 14 bit dual channel High Resolution Oscilloscope with function generator.
Key specifications
Acquisition system- 8, 12, 14, 16 bit resolution, 0.25 % DC vertical accuracy, 0.1 % typical
- Up to 500 MSa/s sampling, 250 MHz bandwidth
- Up to 32 Mpts memory per channel
- 20 MSa/s, 14 bit continuous streaming
- 1 ppm time base accuracy
- 1 µHz up to 40 MHz sine, square, triangular, pulse and arbitrary waveforms
- -12 to 12 V output (24 Vpp)
- Up to 64 Mpts , 240 MSa/s, 14 bit arbitrary waveforms
- Spurious (non harmonic) < -85 dB
- 8 ns rise and fall time
Full specifications Data sheet Manual Request info
- Handyscope HS5-540
- Handyscope HS5-530
- Handyscope HS5-220
- Handyscope HS5-110
- Handyscope HS5-055
- Extended memory (XM)
- SureConnect (S)
- Five year warranty (W5)
Order code:
This powerful high speed USB oscilloscope combines fast sampling up to 500 MSa/s with high resolutions of 12, 14 and 16 bit, a large memory of 64 Mpts and an extremely accurate built-in 40 MHz 14 bit Constant Data Size (CDS) arbitrary waveform generator with 24 V peak to peak output, generating true form signals. The oscilloscope supports continuous streaming measurements up to 20 MSa/s and can be synchronized with other oscilloscopes using the CMI interface to form a multi channel combined instrument with synchronized time base. The CMI interface is available by default on the Handyscope HS5. Optionally, the Handyscope HS5 can be delivered with SureConnect connection test and resistance measurement on each channel.
The flexibility and quality that the Handyscope HS5 offers is unparalleled by any other oscilloscope and function generator in its class.
The SureConnect connection test feature of the tells you immediately whether your test probe or clip actually makes electrical contact or not. No more doubt whether your probe doesn't make contact or there really is no signal.

Multi instrument synchronisation
The Handyscope HS5 is equipped with a sophisticated CMI synchronization bus, allowing to connect multiple Handyscope HS5s to each other by means of TP-C50H Coupling cable CMIs, to use them as a combined and synchronized instrument. All instruments will measure at the same sample frequency (0 ppm deviation!). Apart from a synchronization bus, the CMI also contains a trigger bus and a detection bus. The maximum number of instruments is only limited by the number available USB ports.
Read more about CMI multi instrument synchronisation View the CMI interface video
When the instruments are located further apart, yet have to be combined and synchronized, the Wireless Multi Instrument Synchronization Module WCMI can be used. The WCMI modules are connected to the extension port of the instruments and allow to synchronize instruments that are up to 400 m apart.

High accuracy
The Handyscope HS5 measures with high resolutions of 14 and 16 bit. A signal measured with the Handyscope HS5 therefore has 256 times more resolution than most standalone oscilloscopes, which usually have a low resolution of 8 or 9 bit. The high resolution of the Handyscope HS5 precision oscilloscope allows for measuring signals with more accuracy, because the quantization error is much lower.

Large memory
When measuring at high sample rates, a long record length/large memory is necessary to be able to record a complete signal in the acquisition buffer. Where most oscilloscopes have 2.5 kSamples or 100 kSamples memory, the Handyscope HS5 has 32 MSamples memory per channel. This gives the user 300 to 10000 times more memory. An advantage of a large memory is that once-only fast phenomena can be captured completely. For example complete serial communications, like CAN bus signals, can be measured all in one record to be reviewed and analyzed afterwards.

Low distortion Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The Handyscope HS5 is the first High Resolution USB oscilloscope with built-in 30 MHz low distortion function generator. The built-in Arbitrary Waveform Generator uses CDS signal synthesis technology, developed by TiePie engineering, resulting in the best signal fidelity in its class, generating the true form of your signals. With spurious distortion as low as -85 dB at 100 kHz signal frequency, a very flat amplitude spectrum and a rise time of 8 ns, the low distortion function generator creates signals that approach perfection.
Read more about the low distortion arbitrary waveform generator

Oscilloscope and Generator synchronization
The High Resolution USB oscilloscope and the arbitrary waveform generator in the Handyscope HS5 can be easily synchronized by setting the trigger source of the oscilloscope to one or more generator trigger events: start, stop and new period.

Versatile Multi Channel oscilloscope software
The Handyscope HS5 is delivered with the versatile Multi Channel oscilloscope software, which transforms the Handyscope HS5 into an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, data logger, multimeter and protocol analyzer.
Some of the powerful features of the Multi Channel oscilloscope software are indicated below, for a full description of the Multi Channel oscilloscope software, refer to the Multi Channel oscilloscope software pages.
Quick Setup
To simplify setting up the measurements, the Multi Channel oscilloscope software contains a large number of Quick Setups, for almost any application. A Quick Setup contains the basic settings for a specific measurement as well as additional information regarding the selected Quick Setup, like e.g. how your Handyscope and/or accessories need to be connected. Quick Setups can also contain reference signals. After loading the Quick Setup, that specific measurement can be performed and if needed, small adjustments to the setup can be made.
The Quick Setups are carefully organized in a tree structure, ordered by application. Just a few mouse clicks allow to perform a complex measurement.

Flexible signal displays
The Multi Channel oscilloscope software scope, spectrum analyzer and datalogger offer an ultimately flexible way to display all aspects of the measured signals. They can have one or more graphs, each displaying one or more signals, where each graph can display different parts of a signal. Graphs can display the signal(s) of your Handyscope in Yt mode, in XY mode or as frequency spectrum, with or without interpolation. Colors of all items in a graph can be set to any required value. Graph dimensions can be adjusted to any required size, graphs can be located in one single window or in separate windows, which can be located anywhere on the desktop.

Comprehensive Arbitrary Waveform Generator
To generate your test signals, the Multi Channel oscilloscope software also includes a comprehensive Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
An arbitrary waveform generator is an instrument that can generate repetitive or single shot signals. The signals can have a predefined standard shape like a sine wave or a square wave as in a conventional function generator. However, the signals can also have an arbitrary shape, defined by the user. These signals can be created using the Multi Channel oscilloscope software or an external program or can be signals previously measured by the Handyscope and loaded in the generator.
The Multi Channel oscilloscope software generator can be fully synchronized with the Multi Channel oscilloscope software oscilloscope, using the dedicated generator trigger signals, allowing the scope to trigger on the start of the generated signal, on each new period or on the end of the generated signal.

Unlimited zoom
When measuring at high sample rates, a long record length is a must, otherwise the acquisition buffer is full before the signal is measured. Therefore, our Handyscopes can have up to 256 MSamples record length per channel.
To view all that data conveniently and yet being able to see all details of the signals, the Multi Channel oscilloscope software scope, spectrum analyzer and data logger support sophisticated signal drawing routines with unlimited zooming capabilities. The full signal can be shown on any display size, without loss of information. Yet, you can zoom in to any required level, to see the finest details in the signals. Zooming factors of 1 million of even more are no problem, you can zoom in far beyond sample level.

High detail spectrum analyzer
The high detail Multi Channel oscilloscope software spectrum analyzer takes full benefit of the deep memory of the high resolution USB Handyscopes. Not only gives the deep memory an incredible low resolution bandwidth of just 7.45 Hz at a frequency span of 500 MHz, it also gives a vertical dynamic range of 140 dB. The fast and powerful FFT routines with many user selectable window functions allow you to see the smallest frequency components in your signals.
The multi display option of the Multi Channel oscilloscope software spectrum analyzer allows viewing multiple parts of the spectrum at the same time, giving a better understanding of the signals that are analyzed.

More features
To discover more features of the comprehensive Multi Channel oscilloscope software for your Handyscope HS5, visit the Multi Channel oscilloscope software pages for a full description.
Handyscope HS5 specifications
The tables below show detailed specifications of the Handyscope HS5. Jump to specifications regarding
Acquisition system | |||||
Number of input channels | 2 analog | ||||
CH1, CH2 | BNC, female | ||||
Type | Single ended | ||||
Resolution | User selectable in software | ||||
Native | 8, 12, 14 bit | ||||
Enhanced | 16 bit | ||||
DC Accuracy | 0.25 % (0.1 % typical) of full scale ± 1 LSB | ||||
Noise | 300 µVrms (200 mV range, 12 bit, 50 MSa/s) 85 µVrms (200 mV range, 16 bit, 6.25 MSa/s) | ||||
Ranges (Full scale) | ±200 mV ±400 mV ±800 mV | ±2 V ±4 V ±8 V | ±20 V ±40 V ±80 V | ||
Coupling | AC/DC | ||||
Impedance | 1 MΩ / 25 pF ± 1 % | ||||
Maximum voltage | 200 V (DC + AC peak < 10 kHz) | ||||
Maximum voltage 1:10 probe | 600 V (DC + AC peak < 10 kHz) | ||||
Bandwidth (-3dB) | at 75 % of full scale input | ||||
Ch1 | 250 MHz | ||||
Ch2 | 250 MHz (serial number < 41382 : 100 MHz) | ||||
AC coupling cut off frequency (-3dB) | ±1.5 Hz | ||||
SureConnect | Optionally available (option S) | ||||
Maximum voltage on connection | 200 V (DC + AC peak < 10 kHz) | ||||
Resistance measurement | Optionally available (option S) | ||||
Ranges (Full scale) | 100 Ω 200 Ω 500 Ω | 1 kΩ 2 kΩ 5 kΩ | 10 kΩ 20 kΩ 50 kΩ | 100 kΩ 200 kΩ 500 kΩ | 1 MΩ 2 MΩ |
Accuracy | 1 % of full scale | ||||
Response time (to 95%) | < 10 µs | ||||
Maximum sampling rate | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
8/12 bit, measuring one channel | 500 MSa/s | 500 MSa/s | 200 MSa/s | 100 MSa/s | 50 MSa/s |
8/12 bit, measuring two channels | 200 MSa/s | 200 MSa/s | 100 MSa/s | 50 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s |
14 bit | 100 MSa/s | 100 MSa/s | 50 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s | 10 MSa/s |
16 bit | 6.25 MSa/s | 6.25 MSa/s | 3.125 MSa/s | 1.25 MSa/s | 625 kSa/s |
Maximum streaming rate 1 | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
8 bit, measuring one channel | 40 MSa/s | 40 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s | 10 MSa/s | 4 MSa/s |
8 bit, measuring two channels | 20 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s | 10 MSa/s | 5 MSa/s | 2 MSa/s |
12/14 bit, measuring one channel | 20 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s | 10 MSa/s | 5 MSa/s | 2 MSa/s |
12/14 bit, measuring two channels | 10 MSa/s | 10 MSa/s | 5 MSa/s | 2 MSa/s | 1 MSa/s |
16 bit | 6.25 MSa/s | 6.25 MSa/s | 3.125 MSa/s | 1.25 MSa/s | 625 kSa/s |
Memory | Standard model | XM option | |||
Measuring one channel | 256 KSamples per channel | 64 MSamples per channel | |||
Measuring two channels | 128 KSamples per channel | 32 MSamples per channel | |||
Sampling clock source | |||||
Internal | TCXO | ||||
Accuracy | ± 0.0001 % | ||||
Stability | ± 1 ppm over 0°C to 55°C | ||||
Time base aging | ±1 ppm/year | ||||
External | LVDS, on auxiliary connectors | ||||
Input range | 10 MHz ± 1 % | ||||
Trigger | Only available in scope/block mode, not in streaming mode | ||||
System | Digital, 2 levels | ||||
Source | CH1, CH2, OR, digital external Generator start, Generator new period, Generator stop | ||||
Trigger modes | Rising edge, Falling edge, Any edge Inside window, Outside window, Enter window, Exit window Pulse width | ||||
Level adjustment | 0 to 100 % of full scale | ||||
Hysteresis adjustment | 0 to 100 % of full scale | ||||
Resolution | 0.006 % (14, 16 bits) / 0.025% (12 bits) | ||||
Pre trigger | 0 to selected record length, 1 sample resolution | ||||
Post trigger | 0 to selected record length, 1 sample resolution | ||||
Trigger hold-off | 0 to 63 MSamples, 1 sample resolution | ||||
Trigger delay | 0 to 16 GSamples, 1 sample resolution | ||||
Segmented trigger | Available on models with extended memory option XM, available via libtiepie-hw SDK | ||||
Maximum number of segments | 1024 | ||||
Minimum segment length | 1 sample | ||||
Maximum segment length | 32 M / number of segments 64 M / number of segments measuring one channel | ||||
Trigger rearm time | Sample frequency dependent, < 700 ns on highest sample frequency | ||||
Digital external trigger | |||||
Input | Extension connector pins 1, 2 and 3 | ||||
Range | 0 to 2.5 V (TTL) | ||||
Coupling | DC | ||||
Jitter | Depending on source and sample frequency | ||||
Source = channel | ≤ 1 sample | ||||
Source = external or generator | |||||
Sample frequency = 500 MSa/s | ≤ 8 samples | ||||
Sample frequency < 500 MSa/s | ≤ 4 samples | ||||
Sample frequency ≤ 100 MSa/s | ≤ 1 sample | ||||
Arbitrary Waveform Generator (independent from acquisition system) | |||||
Waveforms | |||||
Standard | Sine, square, triangle, pulse, noise, DC | ||||
Signal characteristics | |||||
Sine | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
Frequency range | 1 µHz to 40 MHz | 1 µHz to 30 MHz | 1 µHz to 20 MHz | 1 µHz to 10 MHz | 1 µHz to 5 MHz |
Amplitude flatness | Relative to 1 kHz | ||||
< 100 kHz | ±0.1 dB | ||||
< 5 MHz | ±0.15 dB | ||||
< 20 MHz | ±0.3 dB (Amplitude ≤ 11 V (22 Vpp)) | ||||
< 30 MHz | ±0.4 dB (Amplitude ≤ 9 V (18 Vpp)) | ||||
< 40 MHz | ±1 dB (Amplitude ≤ 7.5 V (15 Vpp)) | ||||
Spurious (non harmonic) | |||||
< 100 kHz | -75 dBc | ||||
100 kHz to 1 MHz | -70 dBc | ||||
1 MHz to 10 MHz | -60 dBc | ||||
10 MHz to 15 MHz | -55 dBc | ||||
15 MHz to 20 MHz | -45 dBc | ||||
20 MHz to 30 MHz | -35 dBc | ||||
30 MHz to 40 MHz | -30 dBc | ||||
Square | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
Frequency range | 1 µHz to 30 MHz 2 | 1 µHz to 30 MHz | 1 µHz to 20 MHz | 1 µHz to 10 MHz | 1 µHz to 5 MHz |
Rise/fall time | < 8 ns | ||||
Overshoot | < 1 % | ||||
Variable duty cycle | 0.01 % to 99.99 % | ||||
Asymmetry | 0 % of period + 5 ns (@ 50 % Duty cycle) | ||||
Jitter (RMS) | < 50 ps | ||||
Triangle | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
Frequency range | 1 µHz to 30 MHz 2 | 1 µHz to 30 MHz | 1 µHz to 20 MHz | 1 µHz to 10 MHz | 1 µHz to 5 MHz |
Nonlinearity (of peak output) | < 0.01 % | ||||
Symmetry | 0 % - 100 %, 0.1 % steps | ||||
Pulse | |||||
Period | 100 ns to 1000 s | ||||
Pulse width | 15 ns to 1000 s | ||||
Variable edge time | 8 ns to 1 s | ||||
Overshoot | < 1 % | ||||
Jitter (rms) | < 50 ps | ||||
Noise | |||||
Bandwidth (typical) | 30 MHz | ||||
Arbitrary | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
Frequency range | 0.4 nHz to 30 MHz | 0.4 nHz to 30 MHz | 0.4 nHz to 20 MHz | 0.4 nHz to 10 MHz | 0.4 nHz to 5 MHz |
Maximum sample rate | 240 MSa/s | 240 MSa/s | 200 MSa/s | 100 MSa/s | 50 MSa/s |
Length | |||||
Standard model | 1 to 256 KiSamples | ||||
XM option | 1 to 64 MiSamples | ||||
Rise/Fall time | < 8 ns | ||||
Nonlinearity (of peak output) | < 0.01 % | ||||
Settling time | < 8 ns to 10 % final value | ||||
Jitter (RMS) | < 50 ps | ||||
Common characteristics | |||||
Number of output channels | 1 analog, BNC, female | ||||
DAC resolution | 14 bit | ||||
Output range | frequency ≤ 10 MHz | frequency ≤ 20 MHz | frequency ≤ 30 MHz | frequency ≤ 40 MHz | |
At open circuit | -12 to +12 V (24 Vpp) | -11 to +11 V (22 Vpp) | -9 to +9 V (18 Vpp) | -7.5 to +7.5 V (15 Vpp) | |
Amplitude | |||||
Ranges (at open circuit) | 0.12 V (0.24 Vpp) | 1.2 V (2.4 Vpp) | 12 V (24 Vpp) | ||
Resolution | 12 bit | ||||
Accuracy | 0.4 % of range | ||||
DC offset | |||||
Range | -12 to +12 V at open circuit | ||||
Resolution | 12 bit | ||||
Accuracy | 0.4 % of range | ||||
Noise level | |||||
0.12 V range | 900 µVRMS | ||||
1.2 V range | 1.3 mVRMS | ||||
12 V range | 1.5 mVRMS | ||||
Coupling | DC | ||||
Impedance | 50 Ω | ||||
Overload protection | Output turns off automatically when overload is applied. Instrument will tolerate a short circuit to ground indefinitely. | ||||
Burst | |||||
Waveforms | Sine, square, triangle, noise, arbitrary | ||||
Count | 1 to 65535 | ||||
Trigger | Software, external | ||||
Sweep | Available on models with extended memory option XM | ||||
Waveforms | Sine, square, triangle | ||||
Type | Linear, logarithmic | ||||
Direction | Up, down | ||||
Trigger | Software, external | ||||
System characteristics | |||||
System | Constant Data Size | ||||
Memory | |||||
Standard model | 256 KiSamples | ||||
Option XM | 64 MiSamples | ||||
Operating modes | Continuous, triggered, gated | ||||
Maximum sample rate | HS5-540 | HS5-530 | HS5-220 | HS5-110 | HS5-055 |
240 MSa/s | 240 MSa/s | 200 MSa/s | 100 MSa/s | 50 MSa/s | |
Sampling source | Internal TCXO | ||||
Accuracy | ±0.0001 % | ||||
Stability | ±1 ppm over 0°C to +55°C | ||||
Time base aging | ±1 ppm/year | ||||
Multi-instrument synchronization | |||||
Using CMI | Synchronizing instruments via CMI is available when all instruments are connected via USB. | ||||
Maximum number of instruments | Limited by number of available USB ports | ||||
Synchronization accuracy | 0 ppm | ||||
CMI interface | 2x, CMI 1, CMI 2 | ||||
Required coupling cable | TP-C50H Coupling cable CMI | ||||
Maximum coupling cable length | 50 cm | ||||
Using WCMI | Synchronizing instruments via WCMI is available when instruments are connected via USB, LAN and WiFi. | ||||
Maximum number of instruments | No limitation | ||||
Required coupling module | WCMI - 8, WCMI - 9 | ||||
Clock synchronization accuracy | ≤ 1 ppm, typical ≤ 0.2 ppm | ||||
Trigger jitter at sample rate 1 | ≤ 1 MSa/s | > 1 MSa/s | |||
2 x "5" | ≤ ±2 samples | ≤ ±2 µs | |||
"5" and "6" | |||||
Trigger source "5" | ≤ ±2 samples | ≤ ±2 µs | |||
Trigger source "6" | ≤ ±8 samples | ≤ ±8 µs | |||
2 x "6" | ≤ ±8 samples | ≤ ±8 µs | |||
Interface | |||||
Interface | USB 2.0 High Speed (480 Mbit/s); (USB 1.1 Full Speed (12 Mbit/s) and USB 3.0 compatible) | ||||
Power Requirements | |||||
Power | From USB port or external input | ||||
Consumption | 5 VDC 2000 mA max | ||||
External power | From second USB port or power adapter | ||||
Physical | |||||
Instrument height | 25 mm (1 inch) | ||||
Instrument length | 170 mm (6.7 inch) | ||||
Instrument width | 140 mm (5.2 inch) | ||||
Weight | 430 g (15 ounce) | ||||
USB cord length | 1.8 m (70 inch) | ||||
I/O connectors | |||||
Channel 1, 2 | BNC, female | ||||
Generator | BNC, female | ||||
USB | Fixed cable with USB 2.0 and USB 1.1 type A connector, 1.8 m | ||||
Extension connector | D-sub 9 pins female | ||||
Power | 3.5 mm power socket | ||||
Auxiliary I/O connectors | 2 x HDMI type C socket | ||||
System requirements | |||||
PC I/O connection | USB 1.1, USB 2.0 or newer | ||||
Operating system | Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, 32 and 64 bits Linux (via libtiepie-hw SDK) | ||||
Environmental conditions | |||||
Operating | |||||
Ambient temperature | 0 to 55°C | ||||
Relative humidity | 10 % to 90 %, non condensing | ||||
Storage | |||||
Ambient temperature | -20 to 70°C | ||||
Relative humidity | 5 % to 95 %, non condensing | ||||
Certifications and Compliances | |||||
CE mark compliance | Yes | ||||
RoHS | Yes | ||||
EN 55011:2009/A1:2010 | Yes | ||||
EN 55022:2006/A1:2007 | Yes | ||||
EN 61000-6-1:2007 | Yes | ||||
EN 61000-6-3:2007 | Yes | ||||
Package contents | |||||
Instrument | Handyscope HS5 | ||||
Oscilloscope probes | 2 x Oscilloscope Probe 1:1-1:10 - HP-3250I | ||||
Accessories | Handyscope / WiFiScope power supply, external power cable for USB port | ||||
Software | for Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, via website | ||||
Drivers | for Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, via website | ||||
Software Development Kit | for Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, and Linux, via website | ||||
Manuals | instrument manual and software user's manuals color printed and digital, via website | ||||
Customer service | |||||
TiePie engineering instruments are designed, manufactured and tested to provide high reliability. In the unlikely event you experience difficulties, the TiePie engineering instruments are fully warranted for two years. | |||||
This warranty includes | All parts and labor (excluding probes and/or measure leads) No charge for return shipping Long-term 7 year support Upgrade to the latest software at no charge | ||||
Optionally available | Extension to five year warranty |
The Handyscope HS5 is available in 5 different base models:
Order code | Max. sampling speed | Max. streaming speed | Max. signal frequency AWG |
HS5-540 | 500 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s | 40 MHz |
HS5-530 | 500 MSa/s | 20 MSa/s | 30 MHz |
HS5-220 | 200 MSa/s | 10 MSa/s | 20 MHz |
HS5-110 | 100 MSa/s | 5 MSa/s | 10 MHz |
HS5-055 | 50 MSa/s | 2 MSa/s | 5 MHz |
Available options for the Handyscope HS5 are:
- XM: With the extended memory option, 32 Mpts memory per channel is available. Without this option, the models have 128 kpts memory per channel.
- S: With the SureConnect option, connection test is available on all channels.
- W5: With the extended warranty option, warranty is five years on parts and labor. Without this option, the models have two years warranty on parts and labor.
The Handyscope HS5 is delivered with:
Instrument | Handyscope HS5 |
Probe | 2x Oscilloscope Probe 1:1-1:10 - HP-3250I |
Accessories | Handyscope / WiFiScope power supply, external power cable for USB port |
Software | for Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, via website |
Drivers | for Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, via website |
Software Development Kit | for Windows 10 / 11, 64 bits, and Linux, via website |
Manuals | instrument manual and software user's manuals color printed and digital, via website |

Several downloads for the Handyscope HS5 are listed below, including Multi Channel oscilloscope software, drivers and manuals.
Driver & Software
Description | Version | Remarks | Size | |
WinUSB driver | 10.0.2 | Windows 10 / 11, 64 bit | 1.73 MB | download |
Multi Channel software | 1.47.0 | Windows 10 / 11, 64 bit, including PDF manual | 103.76 MB | download |
Manuals & Documents
Description | Version | Remarks | Size | |
Multi Channel software manual | 1.11 | English | 3.13 MB | download |
Handyscope HS5 Instrument manual | 2.50 | English | 980.40 kB | download |
Handyscope HS5 Datasheet | English | 2.55 MB | download |
Software Development Kit (SDK)
Interfacing the Handyscope HS5 with third party software and developing own software requires the libtiepie-hw Software Development Kit. Detailed information on the libtiepie-hw SDK, downloads for Windows and Linux platforms and bindings and programming examples for various programming environments can be found in the libtiepie-hw pages.